Cure Your Arthritis NOW

You can naturally Cure Your Arthritis Without Expensive Medication Or Surgery!


Monday, February 28, 2011

Common Types Of Reactive Arthritis

The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis feet, rheumatoid arthritis and traumatic arthritis. There may be other types as well. What are standing psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's syndrome and ankylosing spondylitis spondylitis. All these disease conditions causing discomfort, including various pain ranging from mild to very strong. Your feet may be swollen and red due to arthritis. Read about some of the most common symptoms of arthritis in the feet. It helps a lot in proper diagnosis and timely treatment.

Symptoms of arthritis in feet

Mild to severe pain: human foot has 30 joints and 28 bones. Because of the fall due to aging or wear injury often causes inflammation of one or more of these joints. This causes mild to severe pain in the foot, toes, arches or heel. Pain in the foot is something that can not be ignored. He has forbidden to perform even routine tasks. Thus, we can say that pain is a symptom of arthritis in feet first observed. Learn more about early symptoms of arthritis in the feet.

Swollen feet: Your body is a mechanism established to handle any alternation in its natural state. When passing through the inflamed leg joints, better known as arthritis, they get an increased supply of blood for treatment. This leads to swelling. Therefore, swelling is the most visible symptoms of arthritis in the feet. Swelling occurs, also if you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis in the feet. It is an autoimmune disease where your immune system takes into leg joint tissues as foreign and try to destroy them. Only medical treatment can cure this disease. Usually suppress the immune system are prescribed for state control.

Redness and warmth in feet: Due to blood vessel inflammation and increase in the affected leg, you can get a feeling of warmth. For the same reason causes redness of the legs as well. Arthritis symptoms of redness and warmth in the legs usually disappear when the arthritis in the feet is healed.

Appearance of Claw Feet: rheumatoid arthritis as a result of the dissolution of joint tissues, are unable to stretch your legs, extend and flex the toes. It provides a claw foot. The appearance of such a condition requires immediate attention orthopedic feet. This is one of the symptoms of arthritis in the feet.

Stiffness Football: Another common symptom of arthritis in the feet is a feeling of stiffness or non-response. Legs feel numb and unresponsive. This may be because the affected joints are no longer able to respond in accordance with the signal received by the brain. Pain may or may not be accompanied by stiffness. While there, in most cases there are still people who can not meet as a symptom of arthritis stiffness in the legs.

Difficulty walking: Because of all the above symptoms of arthritis in the feet, is often very difficult to walk. Motion in the joints is reduced greatly. Difficulty walking much affect everyday life. Well, take a break and some herbal remedies for arthritis for a few days to get help and quick feet.

See also:
Symptoms of arthritis in feet
managing arthritis pain
Undoubtedly, the symptoms of arthritis in the feet are very uncomfortable and make your life miserable. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available for arthritis foot in large numbers. Physiotherapy and exercises are the first among them. In general, legs arthritis symptoms disappear with the consumption of drugs such as analgesics and anti-inflammatory topical creams. However, it is advisable to take medicines to treat arthritis only when prescribed by a physician. There is something, however, that you can do to treat and prevent arthritis symptoms in the legs. Always wear comfortable shoes, preferably with a box of large and broad peak that can accommodate strong fingers. Avoid eating foods that may raise the symptoms of arthritis in the feet. Take a look at the list of foods to avoid with arthritis. Needless to say, a healthy diet rich in protein will stimulate the immune system and thus take away arthritis.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Types Of Arthritis & inflammatory arthritis

Arthritis, joint inflammation or injury to the body can be classified as inflammatory or noninflammatory. inflammatory arthritis is a form of arthritis involving the immune system and joint inflammation. It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body's own antibodies, ie white cells in synovial fluid, leading to different types of medical problems. In inflammatory arthritis, the body believes that its own tissues as foreign and responds to this foreign body inflammation. Before going to the types of inflammatory arthritis, we'll take a look at its causes and symptoms. Learn more about:
Types of Arthritis
List of autoimmune diseases
The causes of inflammatory arthritis

inflammatory arthritis may occur due to certain types of bacteria or crystalline structures deposits in joints, gout and pseudogout. In the case of gout or pseudo gout, the body is unable to dispose of sufficient quantities of these crystal structures due to various metabolic disorders that occur with age. This leads to excessive waste deposits in joints, particularly knees and big feet, and rarely in the spine which lead to inflammatory arthritis.

Inflammatory arthritis symptoms
Pain or swelling in one or more joints
warmth in the affected area
Stiffness and decreased ability to move affected joints
Redness and tenderness of the skin around joints
minor ailments such as sore throat or cold due to emotional stress
More common disorders
Types of inflammatory arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which antibodies developed by the body attacks the synovial membrane that surrounds every joint. This causes chronic inflammation of the joints, especially the peripheral joints such as fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles and feet. The disorder can affect also non-spouse organ systems, such as the lungs, eyes, skin and cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is also known as systemic disease or rheumatoid disease. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are:
Loss of appetite
Low fever
Weight loss

Lupus: Systemic lupus erythematosus is another autoimmune disease that occurs because of inflammation of connective tissues and organs. Severity of disease can be mild or severe, depending on the number and type of antibodies and an affected body part. Being more common in young women with lupus, the immune system produces antibodies that attack the body's organs and tissues. Lupus flares, usually due to sun exposure or heart medications such as hydralazine, procainamide and beta-blockers. Symptoms of lupus are:

Joint pain
Swelling and redness around the nail

Ankylosing Spondylitis: Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic, inflammatory arthritis and autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation of the joints in the spine and pelvis sacroilium led to the eventual fusion of the spine. Being more frequent in women, this is spondylitis, or hardening of the ligaments and tendons attached to bones. Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis are:
Intense Back Pain
Trouble breathing and deep relaxation
Painful and swollen eyes
Loss of vision
Reiter's syndrome: Reiter's syndrome is a chronic arthritis, inflammatory progressive inflammation involving the joints and tendons related to joints, bones, and sometimes the eye conjunctiva and mucous membranes. The syndrome is diagnosed when reactive arthritis (joint inflammation due to bacterial infections) is obvious, and at least one non-common area, such as eyes, skin or muscles are affected. Symptoms of Reiter's syndrome are:
Inflammation of the urethra
Genital pain and rejection
Redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva
joint pain and inflammation especially in the knee joints, toes, heels, etc.
Psoriatic Arthritis: Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the skin (psoriasis) and joints (arthritis). Although the real cause of psoriatic arthritis is unknown, hereditary factors, environmental and immune system disorders could be the likely causes. Rarely a person may suffer from psoriatic arthritis without having obvious psoriasis, and the disorder often affects the tips of the elbows and knees, scalp, navel, and around the genitals or anus. Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are:
Pain and inflammation of joints
redness around the affected joint areas
Inflammation of the spine (ankylosing) and sacrum
Pain and stiffness in his lower back, buttocks, neck and upper back
Inflammatory arthritis

Water aerobics and a program of regular exercise are very effective in preventing joint stiffness. A diet low in protein and carbohydrate diet is the healthiest patients with inflammatory arthritis. Foods that may trigger symptoms of inflammatory arthritis, such as milk and dairy products, beef, maize and wheat should be avoided whenever possible. The mangosteen fruit and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as cold water fish, nuts, flaxseed, etc, will be useful in treating pain and inflammation associated with inflammatory arthritis.

painkillers and natural remedies are effective ways to treat the symptoms of different types of inflammatory arthritis. But before the implementation of these treatments, consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause of the problem, and if there are side effects or reactions to these treatments with other drugs or foods.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Treatments for Arthritis & Arthritis Types

Inflammation is a normal reaction in the body of the body in white blood cells to protect against infection caused by harmful bacteria, viruses and other unwanted substances in our body. During the process of white blood cells release certain chemicals to combat these infections. For example, when we have a cold, fever is a form of inflammation in the body which helps to eliminate all adverse effects of virus infection. However, there is inflammation in the body that disturbs the balance of the body and cause disease.

What causes inflammation in the body?

There are a number of factors that lead to inflammation in the body. A poor diet consisting of processed foods, refined flour, high fat, sugar and various types of inflammation can lead to inflammation. A type of infection caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. Sometimes these infections are latent and not readily identifiable. Allergens enter the body through food or the environment. The adverse effects of toxic substances such as pesticides or harmful chemicals and all forms of stress, whether psychological, physical or emotional. Cortisol, also known as stress hormones are released into the body due to stress. When there is an increased level of cortisol, which causes inflammation.

What are the symptoms of inflammation in the body?

Symptoms that are most often seen in the joints of the body are stiffness and pain in the joints accompanied by redness and swelling. Consequently, the municipality can get loose. Other symptoms are susceptibility to infections diverse, heartburn chills and fever, headache, signs of aging, fatigue, loss of appetite, inflammation in the body causes diseases and so on as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, diabetes, skin infections such as acne and psoriasis, etc. When inflammation in the body affects the internal organs of the body and symptoms are observed. Such as inflammation of the head, the heart of difficulties in breathing, lung inflammation of asthma tubes, inflammation of the kidneys leads to renal blood pressure and inflammation of the large intestine to cause stomach cramps and diarrhea.

How to reduce inflammation in the body naturally?

Identification of the major causes of inflammation in the body is a necessity to get rid of this problem. Once you've done what you need to make some lifestyle changes needed to address cause inflammation in the body. Here are the best ways that can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Reduce stress: You have to learn some techniques to reduce stress and allow relaxation. Some of the techniques commonly used for relaxation, yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises or take a hot bath. Discover which one is right for you and practice regularly.

Allergy Control: Any form of allergies tend to make the body sensitive and the body is at the greatest risk of ignition. Therefore, must take all necessary steps can help keep allergies under control. Identify foods that often cause food allergies and strictly stay away from them. To learn more about allergies.

Food: A good diet is very important for healing the inflammation in the body. You have to include more comprehensive foods, foods high in fiber in your diet. Diet natural herbal anti-inflammatory properties are also good. Foods such as nuts, avocados, small fish such as sardines, wild salmon, herring and olive oil can provide omega-3 essential fatty acids that are not cause inflammation. In short, all types of fresh food, real whole should be there and all refined and processed foods should be avoided. To learn more about anti-inflammatory diet.

Exercise: including regular daily diet has many advantages. It can reduce stress levels in the body to a great extent. It has a strengthening effect on the immune system and the entire cardiovascular system. It can boost morale and make you happy. All these factors have a positive effect on the mind and body. To learn more about the exercises.

There are many drugs that can reduce symptoms of inflammation in the body, but most of them have one or more side effects. For this reason, it is always advisable to maintain a healthy lifestyle that can control symptoms of inflammation in the body, while others prevent.

Friday, February 25, 2011

reactive arthritis reasearch

The word arthritis comes from a Greek word that means "joint inflammation. Results of arthritis in the joints of the body disorders. The most common types of arthritis are usually seen in older people are osteoarthritis (OA), psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA ) and septic arthritis. If the joint cartilage gradually deteriorates, it is called osteoarthritis. As it hardens over time, lead to distortions. Inflammation of the membranes is an example of autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, which is a result of over active immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis affects parts of the body as two symmetrical hands and knees. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee are very slow to appear. body wear due to age, obesity, injuries to the knee joint, knee joint injuries and any disease and any infection, genetic factors may lead to arthritis of the knee. abnormal metabolism can also lead to arthritis of the knee. A person with arthritis of the knee may face many difficulties in daily activities. Here is a overview of the symptoms of arthritis of the knee.

Symptoms of arthritis in knee
General symptoms: symptoms of knee arthritis can vary from person to person. Fever, fatigue, muscle pain, loss of appetite and loss of energy, weight loss, are some symptoms of knee arthritis are common. Learn more about the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Burning: The pain in the knee joint, there may be a burning sensation in the muscles and tendons surrounding areas. The pain may be due to repeated use of common and may worsen in the last part of the day. Learn more about early symptoms of arthritis.
Feel crunching: Once the cartilage is worn, a grinding sensation or calculus is detected in the knee joint. It is associated with bone grinding against bone. There could be a crack or click sound when the knee joint is moved.
Motion Limited: Since there is no pain inside the knee during activities involving the knee, range of motion is limited. It is difficult to flex and strengthen the leg.
Difficulty using stairs: difficulty climbing stairs or difficulty, while strengthening the bottom can be a symptom of arthritis of the knee. To learn more about the symptoms of arthritis in the feet.
Deformation of knee arthritis results from wear protective knee cartilage, exposing the bare bones together. Knock knees or bow legs are observed, such as knee arthritis symptoms.
Morning stiffness: A significant stiffness in the knee when he woke up early in the morning is the first symptom of arthritis of the knee. During the day, there may be some amount of improvement.
Inflammation: There is redness, swelling or tenderness around the knee. Swollen knee was swollen to the touch.
Hard swelling: swelling around the knee may appear difficult.
Pain: There is a constant pain in the knee joint. This joint pain is so severe knee arthritis is not treated.
If the motion of the knee joint is slightly painful exercises can help relieve knee pain. If arthritis is diagnosed knee, then knee arthritis exercise will definitely be a part of treatment for arthritis suggested by a doctor. Aerobics, water aerobics, in particular, are used to treat arthritis. weight loss and nutrition are also offered specific arthritis arthritis patients. Rheumatoid arthritis can be cured. There are anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs available that are prescribed to relieve pain and swelling. knee replacement surgery is usually the last option for the treatment of knee arthritis.

After reading the above symptoms of knee arthritis should not ignore any knee pain or any difficulty in moving the knee noted. I'm sure that they must declare to your doctor as soon as possible, as you know now that early action will help provide faster and also making quick decisions that will certainly prevent the condition worsening knee arthritis. You can follow any herbal remedies for arthritis and you can always keep in mind the list of foods to avoid with arthritis.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

arthritis symptoms and reactive arthritis info

In medicine, arthritis is described as inflammation of the joints. There are several types of arthritis and the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. There are many factors that can lead to arthritis in a person. The most important of them are heritage, age, obesity, injury, occupational hazards and diseases or infections. Symptoms of arthritis in the knee are quite open and revealing. They are painful and the patient's life is pathetic. Medical treatment is a necessity, but before that, let us refresh some of the symptoms of arthritis. symptoms of knee arthritis are the following.

List of possible symptoms of knee arthritis
Different visible symptoms of arthritis are listed below the knee.

Swelling and milling
Swelling and grinding are symptoms of arthritis in the knees first. Knee swelled to a significant degree and is touch sensitive. This is especially true in the type of arthritis, osteoarthritis. Many patients often experience a squeaking noise from the knee. This occurs when bone is in contact with one another.

Knee and foot deformity
The cause of knee pain, patients may find it difficult to move the legs comfortably. They often tend to stand and walk in a particular position. This practice eventually lead to a distortion of the knee and foot. This is one of the visible symptoms of knee arthritis. The patient may become knees hit time and thus may appear a bit bent. To learn more about the symptoms of arthritis in the feet.

There are four main ligaments in the knee. One of these is the anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL. Its function is to stabilize the knee joint by preventing its excessive movement. Patients receiving ACL affected by arthritis in the knee often complain of jumping or snapping in knee.They often get the feeling that the knee will give at any time. Snapping or popping is a symptom of arthritis in the knee frequently.

Knee Pain
Pain is a symptom of another of arthritis in the knee. It can vary from mild to strong, but it exists in all cases. Patient's pain makes life miserable. It does not allow him to sit, walk or move normally. Arthritis pain often gets worse on movement and walking. There can be many sources of knee pain due to arthritis. It may be caused by inflammation of ligaments, tendons and synovial membrane (tissue that lines the joint). The intensity of pain varies from person to person and depends on the severity of joint swelling amount, the degree of inflammation and damage in the knee joint.

Location of pain due to arthritis in the knee can be anywhere in and around the knee. When the ball is touched, the front of the knee becomes painful. The pain is felt inside the knee where arthritis affecting the knee medial collateral ligaments. Similarly, outside of the knee is sensitive to touch, when lateral collateral ligament is damaged by arthritis. Sometimes, the pain extends behind the kneecap. Therefore, a patient may feel pain from arthritis in his back and knees. To learn more about the symptoms of arthritis of the knee.

See also:
Arthritis Treatment: natural treatment for arthritis
Arthritis Diet
symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee are quite similar to the above symptoms of arthritis in knee-General. Rheumatoid arthritis differs from osteoarthritis in both knees, which get affected and not just one. A medical professional performs several diagnostic tests to determine this type of arthritis. It also considers the symptoms of arthritis in the patient's knee felt different decision. These tests include blood tests and X-ray of the knee. Arthritis is a disease that requires medical intervention to be completely healed. Therefore, if you notice symptoms of arthritis in his knees gave in your case, you should visit an orthopedic assistance required.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Symptoms & Treatments of reactive arthritis

Arthritis is a condition in which the cartilage between bones wears a joint causing bone to come into direct contact. People with arthritis usually a huge pain that worsens with joint movement. Finger and thumb arthritis are probably the most common, affecting a large majority of people. Human finger has three joints and three bones. Problems associated with arthritic finger joints may limit daily activities. Different types of arthritis, two types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis finger. Osteoarthritis is a common and rapidly reached cartilage mainly affects the joints of the fingers and thumb joint at the base. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is a disorder that causes inflammation of the synovial membrane lining the joints. This leads to a deterioration of cartilage anklyosis and systemic inflammation that causes painful and arthritic fingers.

Symptoms of arthritic fingers

symptoms of arthritis in the fingers are most often associated with severe joint pain, accompanied by swelling and stiffness. Symptoms may also include the development of nodules in the fingers indicate the formation of osteophytes. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may present distortions, known as ulnar drift, where the injured finger joint on the thumb side. You can also read about the symptoms of arthritis in his hands.

Fingers arthritic treatment

Medicines: arthritis includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Cortisone injections can be taken for severe pain, but should be recommended by a doctor. cortisone injection can be applied quickly to relieve joint pain severe arthritic fingers.

Therapy: treatment of arthritis includes physiotherapy and occupational therapy. This type of non-operative treatment is mainly intended to anticipate and prevent symptoms and pain. You may be subject to rest periods and topical rubs can be recommended to relieve pain and correct the disorder of the ordinary. Therapy usually covers a number of arthritic finger exercises that the patient is asked to perform between periods of pain. arthritis water exercises should be only part of the body where it is affected by arthritis. These exercises are beneficial for the treatment of weaknesses, and are easily achieved.

Surgery: One of the main treatments for arthritis finger joint fusion of the bones where the individual bones are allowed to grow and become a safety. The merger involves an arthritic thumb surgery and RISC OS is not completely melted. Common Treatment of bone fusion results in loss of bone associated with continuous motion. Severe arthritic finger joints may require joint replacement surgery, if the joint is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. In accordance with arthritis finger joint replacement, joint damage, and damaged bone and adjacent tissue are removed. The channels will be prepared at artificial implant bone. Once surgery is complete, the patient is usually necessary to rest and also subject to therapeutic exercises to normal movement is restored.

Maintaining a proper diet is good for curing arthritis, arthritic fingers. Therefore, maintaining a proper diet and after necessary treatment prescribed by your doctor in order to relieve arthritis pain.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Joint Arthritis Treatments

Arthritis is mainly the result of loss of cartilage in the joints of the body. of osteoarthritis arthritis joint that connects the thigh bone and hipbone socket. Hip injury, overweight, aging, genetics, etc. are some of the causes of hip arthritis. The cartilage between two bones using an easy and smooth movement of the joint when we move. Loss of cartilage leads to arthritis in the hip.

Given the loss of cartilage, bones rub directly against each other and cause severe pain, tenderness, limitation of movement and inflammation in the hip. hip arthritis exercises help reduce pain and improve circulation in the hips. Let us look at some of the most important exercises for arthritis of the hip. To learn more about the symptoms of hip arthritis.

Exercises for hip arthritis

It is a great misunderstanding that patients with hip arthritis should prevent any kind of physical activity. In fact, remain inactive, may aggravate the pain and discomfort. Be driven off to stiffness and weakness of the hips and therefore it is necessary to conduct appropriate exercises that will solve the problem. hip arthritis exercises is an important part of managing arthritis pain. They help reduce pain in the hip joint, increased joint flexibility, strengthen muscles around the hip joint, increased range of motion and relieve stiffness and inflammation. In addition, they also help in maintaining overall health, lose weight, energy level and reduce the risk of developing heart disease and osteoporosis. It is recommended that you consult your physician before making hip arthritis exercises below.

Kick Back: This is an exercise to strengthen hips hip mobility increases. To perform this exercise, stand upright and hold onto a counter weight to support. Now, lift your left leg back, without making a detour on his knees. See you do not arch your back by lifting the leg. Repeat the same for the right leg.

Foot Roll: To perform this exercise for the hip, standing on your feet, legs apart. Stand with a distance of one meter to two meters. Now, roll your feet so your toes inward and out yet. Roll off must be such that your leg completely spins inside the hip joint.

Bent Leg Raise: To perform this exercise, stretching, lying down, then slowly lift your left knee so your left foot is close to the buttocks. Now, lift the left leg to touch your left knee to your chest. You can get aid to put your hands on your knees to your chest. Hold for 5 seconds and slowly return to starting position. Then repeat the same thing for the right foot with five repetitions.

Leg Raise: lifting leg is still a hip strengthening exercise. First, lie on your back and down to earth. Now, lift your left leg through the left thigh muscles tightening. Keep your right foot on the ground. Lift your left leg, one to two meters above the ground and hold this position for 10 seconds. Slowly return to starting position and repeat for the right leg.

Learn more about:
Arthritis Water Exercise
managing arthritis pain

Aerobics, swimming, walking, pilates, etc. are some of hip arthritis exercises most useful. It is recommended that you should avoid heavy exercise like running, jogging and high impact aerobics. Do not put too much pressure on your hips and see you in a comfortable exercise. It is always wise to consult a doctor, who can guide the exercise program for arthritis of the hip.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Symptoms of arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that causes degeneration of joints. There are two main types of arthritis in his hands. They are: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis affects the cartilage in the joints of the hands now, while rheumatoid arthritis often affects the muscles, tendons, cartilage and other tissues. Osteoarthritis occurs most often in older people because it is caused by joint degeneration with age. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease and can affect people of any age group. Women are more prone to arthritis in the hands of symptoms compared with men.

Symptoms of arthritis in hands

Arthritis in hands symptoms can be found in the wrist joint of the thumb and finger joints. The main symptoms of arthritis in his hands are as follows:

Joint pain: This is one of the earliest symptoms of arthritis in his hands. Feature hand arthritis pain is that it is a constant dull pain with a burning sensation that patients continue to prevent permanent. The pain worsens when the hand is stained with activities such as heavy lifting, typing, writing, knitting, etc. When the hand is given a rest, aches and pains tend to go to low. When the pain becomes severe, the patient can disturb sleep. Pain, in general, tend to worsen in damp and rainy.

Swelling of the city: When joint pain continues for a long time, and the patient did not reduce the stress on hands, it can lead to inflammation of the joints. In this way, our body tries to give the signal to stop using the affected hand. This happens when the underlying tissues are affected by arthritis.

rigid joints: wrist and finger joints become stiff because of persistent pain and swelling. It becomes visible when the patient experiences extreme pain to do tasks such as opening a container or cap lock. Rigidity can cause reddening of the city and becomes hot and tender to touch. Many people ignore the symptoms of arthritis, may occur due to other causes. Stiffness due to arthritis is most felt during the morning and a cold state.

Deformation: the deformation of finger joints due to arthritis hand is often called Heberden node. In this condition, the shape and size of fingers due to higher swelling of arthritic changes constantly. It may also feel that the city has eased.

Other symptoms: Other symptoms of arthritis in the hands of a sensation of grinding or cracking of joints during movement, loss of power in the joints, loss of joint function, reduced joint mobility. It arises because the breakdown of cartilage. The formation of cysts in the end finger joints may also result, with arthritis of the hand.

Home remedies for arthritis in hands

There is no complete treatment for arthritis. We can manage the symptoms of arthritis in his hands, with the help of painkillers to relieve pain ointments and injections of corticosteroids. However, these drugs for treatment of arthritis when used over a long period of time can provide a range of unwanted side effects. There are some good home remedies that can be used.

Applying heating pads can reduce pain from arthritis in his hand. Another method of applying heat in the hands of arthritis pain is to dip hands in hot water in which Epsom salt was added. Medicinal Properties Epsom salts can give a healing touch, and swelling.

Cold compression can also be used to get rid of the symptoms of arthritis in his hands. Do not apply ice directly on the affected joint. Instead, take some ice cubes in a plastic bag and wrap a towel and apply your hands around the neck for 15 minutes and not more than that. Then, half an hour break and reapply.

Stretching exercises at hand is the easiest way to relieve pain and stiffness of joints. They are flexible joints and add muscle strength and mobility as the hand is restored. You can talk to a physical therapist in this regard. Activities such as gardening and cleaning of light can also act as stretching exercises for the joints of the hand.

The importance of knowing the symptoms of arthritis in his hands is that, if detected early, treatment can start sooner. This will prevent a further worsening. Thanks to a late detection of disease, it often happens that the joints are so damaged that surgery is the only treatment option left.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Inflammatory arthritis symptoms

Health inflammatory arthritis is very common in the United States. In this condition, inflammation of joints associated with pain experienced by patients. Two or more joints of the body typically affected by this condition. Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the list of autoimmune diseases.

In this autoimmune disease, the human body deals with its own body tissue as foreign elements. Autoimmune diseases are those in which the body does not understand the difference between the systems own infectious tissues and organs. Autoantibodies are produced by the body and begins to affect tissues in a manner unfavorable. There are many other causes inflammatory arthritis, crystalline substances that deposit in joints, the disease is caused by infection by certain bacteria.

Inflammatory arthritis symptoms

Various symptoms of inflammatory arthritis are described in detail in the following paragraphs. A bad cold is usually a precursor to the onset of symptoms. In some cases, symptoms are associated with emotional stress. Information on different types of inflammatory arthritis should be helpful.

Pain: This is one of the most important and frequent symptoms observed inflammatory arthritis. The problem starts with a slight pain / dull. Gradually condition worsens and becomes chronic pain. She suffered from joint pain on a daily basis. To reduce pain, medications are prescribed by doctors. These drugs, however, provide temporary relief and long term are not useful. One important thing about pain is chronic inflammatory arthritis that occurs in different parts of the body such as the back, hands, knees, etc.

Stiffness: This is another symptom that occurs in patients with inflammatory arthritis. Movement of the joints in the body is limited because of rigidity. Stiffening effect is pronounced in the morning, when it takes a while before we can make the body movements. It is however, not only in the morning that the joints become stiff. The state of rigidity can occur at any time and create problems in daily activities. There are, however, few solutions to get rid of stiffness with heating pads is one of them. Sitting in a hot bath also provides for relief from the stiffness problem.

Swelling: symptoms of joint inflammation to a certain extent a combination of both stiffness and pain. The reasons behind the joint swelling is the accumulation of fluid around them. This accumulation of fluid over a bump, also limited joint mobility. Swelling may also increase, joint pain. To overcome this problem, low-impact exercises are recommended. Heat therapy is also used to reduce the effects of most of the symptoms of inflammatory arthritis.

Weaknesses: low power grip objects as a result of inflammatory arthritis. Holding objects and handling them correctly is difficult because of inflammatory arthritis.

The problem of inflammatory arthritis, as we know, is an autoimmune disease. In such problems, the body can not differentiate between the outside of infectious organisms and their tissues. It causes degeneration of body parts. Pain relief is not a solution or treatment for inflammatory arthritis. This body issued the pain temporarily by using painkillers. However, natural medicines, going to the root of this problem must be taken into account. Allergy elimination diets that require the body to stop the production of autoantibodies should be used.

Inflammatory arthritis symptoms are explained in detail in this article. These symptoms can be reduced or at least kept under control with treatment measures referred to in paragraphs above. However, you should seek professional treatment for relieving symptoms of inflammatory arthritis.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What is inflammatory arthritis

USA, arthritis is a common health problems and nearly 46 million people suffer from this condition. Among the various types of inflammatory arthritis is more common and so painful. There is no cure for this disease, however, it can be kept under control by appropriate and timely.

What is inflammatory arthritis?

Inflammatory arthritis is the term used to refer to different conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, etc. All these conditions are autoimmune diseases resulting from immune system attacks its own tissues. The exact cause of inflammatory arthritis is still unknown. Most likely causes or factors are responsible for the development of inflammatory arthritis, infection, genetic makeup, trauma, and to some extent, the environmental conditions.

inflammatory arthritis changes how a person lives his life. Sore joints limit movement of the body. As the problem worsens, the affected joints are damaged nearby organs. If the problem is severe inflammatory arthritis, the patient's life expectancy is too small.

Inflammatory arthritis symptoms

Various symptoms of inflammatory arthritis patients exposed to inflammatory arthritis are listed below.
Pain: It is an important symptom affecting most patients. Dull pain in the joints, it increases again and becomes a chronic disease. Counter medications can be used to relieve pain resulting from inflammatory arthritis.
Swelling: accumulation of fluid in the joints leads to swelling. Joint motion is limited due to swelling.
Stiffness: In this issue, the ability to make very small movements due to stiffness. Stiffness in the joints is at its peak in the morning. It takes time to recover from this condition. It is necessary to use heating pads in the treatment of rigidity.
Types of inflammatory arthritis

Common types of inflammatory arthritis are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Osteoarthritis is a form of inflammatory arthritis. In osteoarthritis, joints and bones lose their cartilage. This exposes the bones nearby and rub against each other. Breakdown of muscle tissue and joints is responsible for osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: In rheumatoid arthritis, a May joints of the body are affected. This form of arthritis characterized by chronic inflammation of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, immune system attacks its own tissues.

Gout: This form of arthritis, uric acid deposits in joints crystal occurs. These deposits are found in different body joints. However, the thumb is more prone to gout. The level of uric acid in the body to grow due to several reasons. Kidney Failure to properly manage uric acid, is a leading cause of gout. Excessive alcohol consumption is also a reason behind the development of this condition.

Treatment / Management of inflammatory arthritis

Early diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis increases the possibility of treating the disease under better conditions. It should take adequate rest and use of medications prescribed by your doctor. Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), drugs are recommended for inflammatory arthritis. Ibuprofen and naproxen are commonly used medication by this group. To improve the health of joints, glucosamine and chondroitin supplements are prescribed.

The state of inflammatory arthritis is discussed in this article explains the symptoms, types and treatment is necessary. By following treatment measures mentioned above, we can keep control of inflammatory arthritis.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Causes Of Arthritis

Arthritis refers to a situation within the joint is swollen and cause pain. Arthritis affects all three finger joints of the fingers. Inflammation of the joints interfere with normal movement of the fingers. The inability to move freely fingers is a symptom of arthritis most commonly in the fingers. Under these conditions, the amplitude of finger movement is considerably limited. However, with proper treatment, finger arthritis can be managed effectively.

Arthritis in fingers

There are different types of arthritis, but osteoarthritis is one that affects mainly the fingers and in some cases, rheumatoid arthritis too. As we all know, is a common point of contact between two different bones. Ends of the bones is covered with a durable elastic material called cartilage. Osteoarthritis of the fingers and joints is the result of progressive degeneration of cartilage. Wear of cartilage causes friction between bones. Reduced cartilage bones rub against each other, leading to inflammation of joints. Arthritis in the fingers and toes may result also if the injury is severely damaged cartilage. Although rheumatoid arthritis may have symptoms of arthritis in the fingers during the acute phase, and gradually swelling and pain may spread to other body joints. Thus, the duration of treatment is decided depending on the type of arthritis diagnosis. Learn more about arthritis in the hands of symptoms.

Finger Arthritis remedies

What are different ways to treat inflammatory arthritis in the fingers? Treatment methods range from use of drugs at home, which are discussed below:

Oral medications
medicines that help relieve pain and inflammation associated with arthritic fingers are ibuprofen and acetaminophen. They are, in essence, anti-inflammatory drugs, which provide temporary relief and symptomatic. This is because the arthritis symptoms worsen when the patient stops taking these drugs.

Cortisone injections
Administration of cortisone injections directly into the affected joint may also help, relieve symptoms of arthritis of the fingers. These injections were very effective in relieving discomfort and analgesia administered every several weeks.

Ice therapy
Applying ice to the affected area may help reduce inflammation, which in turn help improve the movement of fingers. Patients with different types of arthritis respond well to this simple home remedy.

Heat Therapy
Another effective way to treat arthritis in the fingers is to use heat therapy. Applying heat to reduce stiffness in the joints. Soak the affected fingers in hot water or use a heating pad are several ways to apply heat to the inflamed area.

Arthritis in finger joints may also be treated with herbs. Ginger has excellent anti-inflammatory and so consume helps to reduce swelling and pain from arthritis of the fingers. Having tea with ginger or fresh ginger pieces and dining benefits to reduce inflammation.

Exercises Arthritis in fingers

When the finger arthritis symptoms disappear, the doctor may prescribe stretching exercises to reduce stiffness. Exercises such as bending fingers in the third and common East, and again stretching helps strengthen muscles. The exercise is to spread the fingers apart, then bring them close to each other was also effective in improving range of motion of the fingers (eg, kneading the dough). Touch the tip of the thumb with a different finger at a time is a simple way to perform various joints of the fingers. These exercises have proved beneficial to increase the flexibility of fingers.

If there are other treatment options to help relieve the symptoms of arthritis in the fingers, surgery is often recommended. Although there are various surgical procedures to treat arthritis, arthritis that used for finger joint replacement. In this procedure, the damaged surface of the joint is removed and replaced by a device usually made of plastic or metal. Joint, which allows free movement of fingers, generally takes 15 -20 years.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Arthritis Rheum – Joint Arthritis Type

Arthritis can be described as a disease state that occurs in acute or chronic inflammation of joints and body tissues around these areas. There are 100 different types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, lupus, gout and so on. Arthritis can affect any part of the body such as knees, wrists, fingers, etc.. Arthritis in your hands is a condition in which the wrist joint of a finger joint and get affected. Arthritis in the hands are more common in women than in men.

The causes of arthritis in the hands
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most common forms of arthritis in his hands. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative arthritis that results from damage to the cartilage and ligaments. This disease mainly affects older people whose joints wear out due to the natural process of attrition over time. People can arrive at an early age, where the ligaments and joint cartilage from wear due to a hand injury, overuse of joint or common type of infection.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic inflammatory disease that destroys soft tissue and bone joints. Initially, it attacks the peripheral joints and causes arthritis in hands and feet. Gradually, she begins to affect all other body joints. The exact cause of autoimmune inflammation is not clearly known, but he is firmly convinced that this could be triggered by genetic factors. Women of childbearing age are exposed to the disease. One of the main causes of arthritis in the hands of rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy. Studies have found that increasing the weight size and growth of the uterus puts extra pressure on the joints of the body that cause inflammation. In some rare cases, basic conditions such as growth of the cyst may cause some serious damage to the structure of the joint resulting in arthritis.

Arthritis in Hand Symptoms
Most common symptoms of arthritis in your hands is a pain that is largely confined to the wrist of a finger, and surrounding areas. Some patients complain of constant pain that refuses to go. Others experience intermittent. It tends to intensify the use of hands and it decreases when the hand is at rest. Typical characteristic of a common arthritis pain is that it is accompanied by swelling and stiffness. Severity sales also varies depending on the case. When there is excessive swelling county, then the skin becomes red and tenderness is felt when touching the area. Gradually, the movements of the wrist and fingers is limited. In case, the symptoms of arthritis in the fingers further enhance the fingers tend to be weak and may even distort. Therefore, we lose the ability to grasp or hold objects.

Arthritis in the hands of treatments
Hand arthritis is diagnosed with a medical history, physical examination and laboratory tests such as X rays, blood tests, etc. Initially, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are given to provide temporary relief of pain. Sometimes, topical creams or ointments are also given for pain management. If these drugs fail to achieve an improvement in the state, and cortisone injections are administered to reduce joint pain. In some cases, splints, also recommended, as it provides adequate protection and support for affected hand arthritis. Physical therapy was considered very beneficial for the treatment of arthritis in hand. Here, physical therapist suggested a hand exercises to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility. Thus, the mobility of arthritic fingers and wrist joints is restored. When the joint is severely damaged and deformation occur because of arthritis and surgical option is exercised. There are various surgical techniques used for this purpose. Here, the damaged part of the arthritic joint is removed surgically.

Arthritis in the hands of home remedies
Here are some useful home remedies for arthritis that you can try at home to reduce pain and inflammation of arthritis in the fingers and hands:

Apply heat
If you're looking to relieve pain from arthritis soothing persists, then apply heat with a heating pad.

Apply cold
Where there is pain, joint swelling and burning, then applying cold is better. Do not use ice on the swelling of the hands and fingers for over 15 minutes, but can be repeated many times.

This is one of the most popular herbs for treating arthritis. Prepare a tea by boiling one teaspoon of alfalfa seeds in a cup of water. He made this tea three or four times a day for at least two weeks.

When you have arthritis, you should choose the right kind of food. Arthritis in the hands of diet should include plenty of oily fish, fish oil such as cod liver oil, nuts, avocados and other foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Bananas are a rich source of vitamin B6 which is essential for arthritis, also very useful in this regard and should be included in the diet of arthritis.

Unfortunately, arthritis in his hands can not be cured completely. However, if the symptoms are diagnosed with arthritis in his hands in an early stage, and with proper treatment and other therapies can be avoided joint damage and can lead a life of good quality.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Types Of Reactive Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that is the result of this infection in the joints, aging or trauma to joints. Those who suffer from arthritis pain in the legs and feet than in other parts of the body, such as hip, neck, knees and back. It occurs due to inflammation around the joint damage over time, causing wear on the joint. Muscle strains also occur due to sudden movements because of stiffness versus strain. The most common types of arthritis are "OA" and "rheumatoid arthritis. Learn more about the symptoms of this painful condition, and how to identify if you or others have.

Types of Arthritis

Before entering the symptoms of this condition, we consider two common types of arthritis.

This leads to abnormal wear of joints, and degenerative joint disease. It is a common type of arthritis in feet or toes, due to the constant pressure applied to the thumb when I walk. This causes the cartilage to deteriorate, making it safe bones together, causing pain, stiffness of joints. This can be a serious condition, because you can not even turn their feet or suffer from a serious fracture. One of the symptoms of arthritis in the fingers is when fingers, enlarge it. Pain in rheumatoid arthritis occurs in people of middle age and older, covering areas such as knees, hips, back, neck and fingers.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
This is a systemic disease that riddles the entire body, affecting all the muscles and joints of the foot. It may be a generic disease, and can pass through the family line. Men and women experience the disorder. It begins in the foot, resulting in roof collapses, if the toes to contract and pull back. This issue must be treated in time, to reverse its effects on the body and severe pain. If left untreated it can lead to a change in form and placement of joints, movement is stunted, if the arthritis pain becomes unbearable. It can also trigger inflammation of the lungs and eyes, because the immune system is then designed the long term. Search rheumatoid arthritis food to help you cope with this condition.

Arthritis in the feet and knees

When arthritis begins in the legs, is likely to expand in other parts of the body, in some cases. Symptoms of knee arthritis tend to come and go, sometimes turning into good and bad situations with them as she grew worse. Because of its fluctuating events, is difficult to treat symptoms, and correctly judge the overall condition of the state. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor for treatment of arthritis, when you feel pain in the joints expanded. Here are the symptoms of arthritis in the feet, and how it affects the knees.

Swollen joints
Motion Limited
stiff knee
Knee pain is triggered when active
The meat is soft around the joints
bow legs / knock knees structure
The feeling of loss of balance, feel weak joints
Onions (big toe swelling) are a common feature when it comes to patients with rheumatoid arthritis
A witness calluses and ulcers
Nails thick due onion
big toe is stiff and painful to move (hallux rigidus)
ankle tendons are infected, and patients suffer more pain

Arthritis in feet can be a very painful condition to be treated, in other parts of his body very saddened by the pain and strain later. Get yourself and others whether you have something unusual. It is usually better to stick to a diet of arthritis and natural methods such as acupuncture and meditation to relieve pain. With a healthy future!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Reactive Arthritis Treatment

Reactive Arthritis Treatment,Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease,Arthritis Research,Rituxan Rheumatoid Arthritis,Chronic Arthritis,Joint Arthritis

Reactive Arthritis

Reactive Arthritis,Septic Arthritis,Arthritis Rheum,Cause Of Arthritis,Arthritis Symptoms Causes,Osteoporosis Arthritis,Arthritis And Alcohol,Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis,Lyme Arthritis,Reactive Arthritis Treatment,Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease,Arthritis Research,Rituxan Rheumatoid Arthritis,Chronic Arthritis,Joint Arthritis


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