Arthritis is a disease that is the result of this infection in the joints, aging or trauma to joints. Those who suffer from arthritis pain in the legs and feet than in other parts of the body, such as hip, neck, knees and back. It occurs due to inflammation around the joint damage over time, causing wear on the joint. Muscle strains also occur due to sudden movements because of stiffness versus strain. The most common types of arthritis are "OA" and "rheumatoid arthritis. Learn more about the symptoms of this painful condition, and how to identify if you or others have.
Types of Arthritis
Before entering the symptoms of this condition, we consider two common types of arthritis.
This leads to abnormal wear of joints, and degenerative joint disease. It is a common type of arthritis in feet or toes, due to the constant pressure applied to the thumb when I walk. This causes the cartilage to deteriorate, making it safe bones together, causing pain, stiffness of joints. This can be a serious condition, because you can not even turn their feet or suffer from a serious fracture. One of the symptoms of arthritis in the fingers is when fingers, enlarge it. Pain in rheumatoid arthritis occurs in people of middle age and older, covering areas such as knees, hips, back, neck and fingers.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
This is a systemic disease that riddles the entire body, affecting all the muscles and joints of the foot. It may be a generic disease, and can pass through the family line. Men and women experience the disorder. It begins in the foot, resulting in roof collapses, if the toes to contract and pull back. This issue must be treated in time, to reverse its effects on the body and severe pain. If left untreated it can lead to a change in form and placement of joints, movement is stunted, if the arthritis pain becomes unbearable. It can also trigger inflammation of the lungs and eyes, because the immune system is then designed the long term. Search rheumatoid arthritis food to help you cope with this condition.
Arthritis in the feet and knees
When arthritis begins in the legs, is likely to expand in other parts of the body, in some cases. Symptoms of knee arthritis tend to come and go, sometimes turning into good and bad situations with them as she grew worse. Because of its fluctuating events, is difficult to treat symptoms, and correctly judge the overall condition of the state. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor for treatment of arthritis, when you feel pain in the joints expanded. Here are the symptoms of arthritis in the feet, and how it affects the knees.
Swollen joints
Motion Limited
stiff knee
Knee pain is triggered when active
The meat is soft around the joints
bow legs / knock knees structure
The feeling of loss of balance, feel weak joints
Onions (big toe swelling) are a common feature when it comes to patients with rheumatoid arthritis
A witness calluses and ulcers
Nails thick due onion
big toe is stiff and painful to move (hallux rigidus)
ankle tendons are infected, and patients suffer more pain
Arthritis in feet can be a very painful condition to be treated, in other parts of his body very saddened by the pain and strain later. Get yourself and others whether you have something unusual. It is usually better to stick to a diet of arthritis and natural methods such as acupuncture and meditation to relieve pain. With a healthy future!
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