Arthritis is a disease which can cause stiffness, pain and swelling in joints and other supporting structures of the body such as bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Some types of arthritis can affect other parts of the body including various internal organs. There are many different types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease), rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gouty arthritis and septic arthritis. Arthritis can affect anyone at any age. arthritis treatment often includes physical therapy and exercise. physical therapy and exercise can help people with arthritis in many ways. The main objective is to improve the functional capacity to help reduce pain and fatigue associated with everyday activities. Increased range of motion of a joint is the main objective of Physical Therapy.
physical therapy and exercise for arthritis focuses on pain and restore function and movement. Programs physical therapy may provide therapeutic methods, including physical techniques and activity changes. A physical therapy program consisting of manual therapy and exercise benefits patients with arthritis.
sensitive and prevents bone loss and osteoporosis. Lifting weights is exercise beneficial for arthritis and joint support. Physiotherapy and exercise reduces pain and stiffness, builds strong muscles around joints and increases flexibility, muscle strength, heart and strength.
Some of the exercises prescribed for people with arthritis:
• Range of motion exercises (stretching or flexibility exercises)
• Strengthening exercises
• Water exercises
• leisure exercises
• Endurance or aerobic exercises
Physiotherapy and exercise helps to:
• Maintain normal joint movement
• Strengthen the muscles around the joints
• Strengthen and maintain bone and cartilage
• Improve overall ability to do activities every day
• maintain a healthy weight to reduce pressure on joints
• Keep bone and cartilage tissue strong and healthy
Depending on the severity of arthritis, a physical therapist can suggest exercises or isometric or isotonic. A combination of manual therapy and exercise is more effective in reducing pain, stiffness and dysfunction in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
Health is a state of the art multi-specialty office. By combining physical therapy and rehabilitation, providing the best pain management available quality services in Brooklyn, NY. We have a team of anesthesiologists, physiatrists, psychiatrists, neurologists and work with patients and provide prompt help with pain.
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