Cure Your Arthritis NOW

You can naturally Cure Your Arthritis Without Expensive Medication Or Surgery!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

truth about arthritis

When it comes to home remedies for arthritis, the most unusual, but the most talked about natural treatment to be gin-soaked raisins. Many people swear to the healing properties of this remedy for arthritis. To prepare, you need a bottle of gin and a handful of golden raisins. Put raisins in a bowl. Pour enough gin to cover the raisins. Let the mixture stand until evaporated gin. This could take a week or two. Keep moist raisins in a clean container and cover with a tight lid. Arthritis patients are forced to eat nine raisins daily for best effects. Holistic medicine experts say that these grapes are the perfect addition to grain a day.

This remedy seems simple and strange. Is it really? Well, there's only one way to find out. And that is to try it. For now, there is no scientific proof that this remedy may work for you. But if you're a little desperate about your condition and have tried every single remedy for arthritis in the books, but they are still paralyzed by the problem, it is better to go ahead and try this treatment therapy. After all, the raisins are good for the body. It has lots of antioxidants that can help restore the working capacity of the cell.

Gin soaked raisins for arthritis cure began when Paul Harvey said on his radio show. And since his show is very popular, word spread and many people began to aggressively try. Based on groups of people who witnessed the beneficial results of the assembly, gin-soaked grapes slowly slid his way folklore and natural remedy books, magazines and feature articles. Currently, there are many variations in gin soaked raisin recipe preparation coupled with compelling testimony from people who say that the remedy is effective.

Well, it is preferable that the nutritional values and benefits of grapes and gin combined are taken fully into account before confirming their effectiveness. Impressive testimony of people who have tried the repair is simply not enough to convince scientists.

It's a good thing that raisins are good natural elements in what is useful. raisins and white grapes both contain sulfur or sulfur, which can help relieve arthritis pain. Sulfur content is obtained from grapes when the grapes begin to dry slowly. The drying process is assisted by sulfur dioxide.


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