thumb arthritis is a condition causing inflammation and loss of cartilage in the joints of the thumb. Thumb arthritis belongs to the group than arthritis, osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is due to normal wear and tear of the joints and cartilage. thumb arthritis may be considered right from the base of the thumb joints, just where the thumb joints meet. This particular joint is designated as the carpometacarpal or CMC. This is what you use when you pinch or grip. Research shows that arthritis finger is often seen in women than in men. It usually occurs when one reaches 40 years.
Thumb arthritis symptoms are almost the same as other types of arthritis. However, there are specific disease symptoms such as pain in the right or the joints of the thumb. There would also be swelling and redness in and around the area. If you suffer from arthritis thumb and try to move your thumb, you may feel grinding. This is coupled with pain as well. Accordingly, your thumb Motion Limited. You understand the difficulty because of pain. jars of thumb for common tasks such as turning keys, opening doors and opening would be a challenge for you.
When you have these symptoms, it is preferable that you go to a medical expert help. Your thumb will check and diagnose the exact cause of the disease. There is no need for this particular test. A regular x-ray usually would. X-ray would also demonstrate, if your condition can still be cured by non-avoidance, problem-solving. If not, surgery may be the answer.
But, before considering surgery, doctors try, usually other ways to treat thumb arthritis. Surgery is usually a last resort when it comes to these cases. The first line of treatment is the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications should be taken regularly or whenever pain strikes. You should follow your doctor's instructions when taking NSAIDs. NSAID stands for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.
Aside from drugs, alternative therapies such as thumb abduction splints and cortisone injections are also performed. Braces are placed on the joints of thumb to limit movement, and relieve swelling. The most severe cases of thumb arthritis may require a splint and not just a simple splint. Other than splints and braces, cortisone may be injected into the thumb area for signs of the disease are treated immediately. Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug that might work when given immediately to the skin.
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